Monday, November 22, 2010


Chris and I went to our 16-week appointment today and thought it would be an uneventful morning. HA!  We invite you to join us in our experience!  Here we go!

Blood pressure, weight, Doppler for heartbeat, etc…
Doctor: “When do we have your due date set for again?”
Me: “May 18th
Doc: “Ok. Well you are measuring a little bigger than that … like you are about 18 weeks.  I want to sneak you into ultrasound and see what date they can give may even be able to find out what you are having if the baby cooperates!”
“Ok!!” we say in a naïve fashion, and off we go to ultrasound.

10 minutes later… (While I am feeling fat because she said I was “measuring big”)

US tech: “Ok, let’s get a good picture here for you guys and see how the baby is measuring
    - They both look great!  Oh, you know there are 2 babies here, right?”
Me: “Haha, that’s funny.”
Chris: “Hmm?”
US tech: “I’m not kidding.  You guys didn’t know?”
Me: “Again, that’s not really funny.”
US tech: “I am honestly not kidding.  Look, here is one baby, and here is the other one.  They should have caught this on the 8-week ultrasound.  You had one, right?"
Me: “yes...”
US tech: "at this practice?"
Me: "yes..."
US tech: "Well, who did it?!"
Me: "YOU!"
...silence for a moment...
US tech: “Oh. Well, I am really sorry I missed it.  One of the babies must have been hiding.”
{Internal monologue: “WHAT?! Two babies and one of them was hiding?  Is this a joke? 
IS CHRIS STILL ALIVE?” And then I realized I was sobbing.}
Chris: “Honey, are you ok?” {Good, he IS alive…}
Me: “ARE YOU?!”
US tech: “I think she is just in shock.”  {YA THINK?}
The FRIENDS episode when Chandler and Monica find out they are adopting twins is replaying in my head…
Monica: “Chandler, you’re panicking!
Chandler: “JOIN ME, WONT YOU?!”
Me: “I’m fine.  Are you sure there isn’t another explanation?”
US tech: “No…you’re having twins.  Looks like this one is a girl … and … {come ON!} this one is a … boy!  Congratulations!”
Chris & Me: “…thanks…”

Yes, it’s true.  No, it’s not a joke.  Believe me, we made sure of it and we have cute little pictures of baby girl Even and baby boy Even to prove it.  TWINS.  {Another appropriate FRIENDS quote: “You can keep saying it, but it won’t stop being true.”}

Our Christmas wish list has to be overhauled, as well as our house, cars, and life in general.  But how awesome is this?  God gave us a boy AND a girl (and will hopefully bless us with some sanity along the way!)

With all that being said, the name of our blog has to change.  4 Evens = Even again!


  1. Oh.My.Gosh!!!! Congratulations! How exciting! You'll have to let us know if you need any help once they get here.

  2. That's great Mallory! What a story! And what a big blessing! Probably a little overwhelming too but you'll be great as a mom of twins! My sister in law has twin girls and they are a joy! CONGRATS!!!

  3. i thought of the friends episode when phoebe finds out she's having triplets:

    Doctor: Have we talked about the possibility of multiple births?
    Phoebe: Okay, let me take this one and might I get pregnant again, I'll hang onto your card.

    okay, now breath. :-)

  4. love the Friends references!! Love you guys! Congrats again!

  5. i just can't believe it!!!!! I am sooooo happy for youuuu!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Wonderful, Mallory and Chris!! Hmmm...For some odd reason the term, "empirical evidence" keeps coming back to me...! :)
