Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Where are all of the clean spoons?

Chris: "Hey, do we not have any clean spoons?"
Me: "Um ... I think they are all in the dishwasher waiting to be washed."
Chris: "How many spoons do you use in a day?"
Me: "Well, between the cereal and the ice cream .... I guess all of them."

Seriously, that's all I want these days.  Cereal and ice cream.  There is an epidemic of dirty spoons in the Even household, and Chris just wants a clean spoon to use to eat his yogurt.  And he doesn't complain, because at least I am eating, which is something that I was struggling with for awhile.  The problem is that I seem to be eating things that require spoons, and we only have so many spoons, which means that when he gets home from work, we have to wash a spoon so he can eat a snack.  Why cereal and ice cream?  Who knows, but it is ALL that I want. 

And with this little vignette, we welcome you to our lives 32 weeks into this pregnancy!  :) 

It sure has been a a busy couple of weeks around here!  I went to the Perinatal ultrasound appointment last Monday (by myself for the first time, because Chris was out of town for work) and while I was on the table, I started to feel very light-headed, started sweating profusely, and the room started spinning.  The sonographer told me to roll over to my left side, so I did ... and it didn't help.  So then she told me to sit up, so I did ... and it didn't help.  So then she had me sit in the chair next to the table and got me some Sprite.  That seemed to help me get back to baseline, but it took a couple of minutes.  She said, "I know this sounds weird, but it isn't all that bad of a sign ... it just means the babies are growing like they should be!  But, when you lay flat on your back, they are cutting off your blood flow ... so don't lay on your back anymore."  Check!

We went to our childbirth class at Piedmont Hospital this past Saturday, and while we found a lot of the information to be helpful, we also found a lot of the information to be overwhelming.  One of my favorite statements from Chris during the class came after the instructors talked about emergency C-sections. 

Instructor: "You should know that if you have to have an emergency C-section, your spouse will probably not be able to be there because they won't have time to get him prepped and scrubbed-in for the surgery."
Chris: "Oh, that won't happen.  I will just be wearing my paper scrubs that are issued from the nuclear power plant and run right in after you.  Don't worry."
Me: "Oh. Good."

I started to feel panicked on Saturday night thinking of all of the things that could potentially go wrong during labor and delivery...and then Chris reminded me that they have to tell you all of those things to cover their bases and keep their patients well-informed.  I told him, "It's just that there are so many things that will be out of our control during that time, and that's what makes me nervous..."  and he said, "Right. That's what makes labor and delivery challenging for people like us!  But, we have to trust God, and also put some faith in the medical staff and trust that they know what they are doing."  And for those of you that know Chris, being out of control is not a situation in which he feels 100% comfortable, either, so this was a very comforting statement coming from him.  We talked about the actual process that the body goes through to give birth, and decided that only God could design such a complicated and efficient process to give birth to these little human lives!  What an amazing journey!

We almost have the nursery finished, I'm just missing some pieces to hang over the cribs.  I have a few ideas, I just need to make a decision and stick with it.  Chris told me the other night that he is ready to have the babies here in our lives..."You just wait for so long ... "  I cannot wait to see how wonderful he is going to be with Parker and Reagan! 

We celebrated Chris' 28th birthday at the end of February - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!  This will be the last one that we celebrate with just the 2 of us in our little family.  I took him to Rays on the River for brunch that weekend, and we ate until our hearts and bellies were content.  If you live in the Atlanta area, we highly recommend their Sunday brunch - so yummy!

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks:

29 weeks

29 weeks - and Chris' Birthday!

the Packers gifts I got him for his birthday :)

me and the babies at 30 weeks! 
Parker weighed 3 lbs this week and Reagan was 3 lbs 1 oz.

1 comment:

  1. The prepared childbirth is very scary. I went in prepared to be all natural and it didn't turn out that way. Danny was by my side for all of not worry, it will all be ok, no matter which way those two come into the then you won't care!
