Thursday, March 24, 2011

Updates from yesterday's ultrasound

We had our high-risk ultrasound yesterday, and wanted to share some info and some fun facts from it! :)

1. Reagan is approximately 4 lbs, 12ozs
2. Parker is approximately 4 lbs, 14ozs
    Now, these are just estimates, given that the bigger they get, the harder it is to be accurate since they are squished in there.  So, they said these were the best guesses at their weights, but they could be +/- 12 ozs...which essentially means that I have about 9-10lbs of baby in my belly! (no wonder I am tired and feel like a truck has run me over!)

3. Reagan has a head full of hair! :) (can we take a minute to be amazed at the fact that you can see these details in utero?!)  Chris and I were floored!  We actually pictured that both of them would be bald, so this was a fun little surprise for us.  We didn't get a chance to ask about whether or not Parker had any hair, because I was starting to feel light-headed again during the scan (this happened at my last appointment, as well), so it slipped my mind.  But, we go back in 2 weeks, so we will ask then. 

4. We got to see Parker have the hiccups while they were doing his scan - so funny!!  And even weirder to see his little body shake at the same time that I could feel the hiccups happening.  I have been feeling both of them have the hiccups for weeks now, but it is so fun to see them!

5. After about 3 months of inconclusive images of Parker's kidneys, they are pretty sure as of yesterday that they are able to say that he has a "horseshoe kidney" - meaning that both kidneys have formed, but they are connected (in the shape of a horseshoe).  You see, we found out in January that Parker has a 2 vessel umbilical cord (as opposed to a usual 3 vessel cord) and when this occurs (which can happen often during the "twinning process") they have to look for variations in the kidneys.  Well, for the past few months, the Perinatologist has said that she can definitely see a right, functioning kidney, but has not been able to locate a left one.  But, that changed yesterday when she said she could see both, but they were connected.  Chris and I have not been too worried since our take-home message from her has been that whatever the anatomy of the kidney(s), they are functioning, which is all that matters!  So, we have been praying and just trying to trust that God has sent us to the right people to take care of our little babies - and we have been nothing but impressed with our care at Atlanta Perinatal Specialists.  All that to say we will have some follow-up appointments for him after his birth, and the neonatalogist will check both of them out carefully while still in the hospital, but we have a really good feeling that he will be just fine and causing trouble in no time!  :)

That's all to report for now...these babies are keeping me tired, but Chris and I are getting more and more excited to meet them soon!

end of week 31/beginning of week 32

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