Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday!

We basically had an awesome day.  Started the morning by giving the babies their Easter pails which were full of goodies from us, their aunts and uncles and both sets of grandparents.  Then we had breakfast and went to church with our friends, the Abrahams.  This was the first time the babies were in the nursery at church, so it was a big day for all of us!  They did really well and Chris and I made it through, too. {actually, Chris was in more of a hurry to get them from the nursery after church than I was!}
Digging into their Easter pails.
Parker watching Praise Baby.
Parker's loot!
Reagan's loot!

Parker digging into his pail.
Reagan wasted no time digging into the goodies!
Checking out each other's pails.

A cupcake!!

After church, we fed the babies their lunch and put them down for a long Easter nap.  Some friends in our neighborhood came over for Easter dinner, and we all ate and played {and watched the Master's} until our hearts were content.

Here they are in their church clothes. 

Reagan playing with some of their new bath toys from Aunt Erica & Uncle Scott!

sharing. :)

Reagan waited for the perfect opportunity to sneak into Parker's pail...

...and found a book!
Playing with their friend, Harrison!
Parker had a LOT of fun in the nursery at church ... at least, that is the only reason we can conclude for his hair being a mess and his clothes hanging off of him. :)

 One more picture with Harrison. :)
Happy Easter!  CHRIST HAS RISEN!!

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