Thursday, February 21, 2013

How to Build a Playhouse: Illustrated Step-by-Step Instructions.

1. Make your best concentration face.
2. Hire a foreman - make sure he can carry the doorbell around until you install it.
3. Gather pieces and test their strength - sitting on them usually helps.
4. If this is a high-profile playhouse like ours, and you have a camera crew on hand while building, be sure to get to know them.
5. Take a break to watch the cars drive by.
6. Supervise the work crew because you just never know ...
(make sure you supervise from the inside of the playhouse with your trucks - this is important.)
7. Attempt an over-the-wall exit.

8. Check doorbell.  A lot.
9. Open and close door. A lot.
10. Take a break to blow bubbles.

11. Once walls and floor are complete, put on roof.
12. Touch the roof.
13. Play in the house for good measure.

14. Take your hood off.
15. Immediately put hood back on.
{You may need your sister's help with this}
16. Take another well-deserved break and talk about the weather (or anything).

17. Check the mailbox.
{You can just never be sure if the previous residents forwarded their mail}
18. Pass things through the window; put faces through window; drop things through window.

"Uh oh!"

19. Sit together inside the house for a picture.  Be sure not to look at the camera.
20. Tell work crew where to put the stickers.
21. Move house to desired location (location, location)!
22. Sweep area around house and clean up after the construction crew.

23. Help sweep inside of mommy & daddy's house.
{Be sure to wear mommy's flop flips}
We hope our instructions help you! 
{It is important to note: the playhouse is made by Step 2 - and these are not the same directions that the company puts in the box. But, this is how we did it and it looks great!}
**Thanks, Grams & Gramps Even for our early 2nd birthday present!!

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