Sunday, December 8, 2013

Jangle Bells

We definitely have the Christmas spirit in the Even household!  Parker and Reagan have been talking about baby Jesus and Santa for weeks now (not necessarily in the same conversations - but sometimes), we have an Elf on the Shelf thanks to Aunt Erica and Uncle Scott, we have our Christmas tree up and decorated haphazardly (and we "redecorate" it a few times a day), we watch The Polar Express 5 times a day, and we have been singing, "Jingle Bells" until we are blue in the face.  And then we sing it 10 more times.  Reagan has been picking up a southern accent somewhere - not sure where - and she says it more like, "Jangle Bells."  It's worth a quick listen.  I promise it's fun for all ages.

Yes, Christmas is imminent!  And we are having a blast celebrating the season with two 2-year-olds!  I am learning to be very sneaky while shopping with the kids, and a Target employee even helped me hide some gifts by scanning them at her feet and then double bagging them on the floor behind the register so P & R couldn't see what she was doing.  Best. Lady. Ever.

The kids keep telling me what they want Santa to bring them - and after one particular phone call to my mother-in-law that had me spelling out a lot of words (aforementioned sneakiness), Parker said, "Was that Santa, mommy?"

Mmm, "Yes; yes it was."

We ordered our Christmas cards from my talented sister, Selena Fettig, owner of BeanPress Modern Digital Stationery Design and I am IN LOVE WITH THEM.  I have been saving one of our Christmas card for the last few years to put in an album, and I can't wait to add this one to our "album." (air quotes because who knows if I will ever make one).  But instead of typing, printing and mailing out a letter with our cards this year, I had Selena put our blog web address on the back of the card so you people can just come to this here blog and read the letter at your leisure!  When you get 10 Christmas cards with letters in them that you don't have time to read right away every day for the rest of this year, you'll thank me.  So, you're welcome.  {it'll be the next post, by the way}

Ok, I have to go work on a million things, some of which include wrapping my nephews' Christmas presents so that my children will stop trying to play with them.  I will leave you with pictures of our Christmas happenings from the past few weeks! :)

Our Elf that Parker and Reagan affectionately named, "Boy." :)
Watching Polar Express
Our cozy and well-loved little tree.
Looking at the rotating Christmas tree in the Pottery Barn window ....
... And then a nice sales lady invited us to sit INSIDE the window display for a cute photo op.
She was obviously out of her mind.

Parker clapping for himself after hanging an ornament.

Reagan and daddy getting ready to put the star on top.
(Note: I wanted a more vintage-looking star to match my house but bought the $5 light-up star for the kids. Sucker.)

Helping mommy and daddy with the tree.
We hope you have a wonderful time preparing your hearts and home for Christmas! 


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